Q: What is a Registered Dietitian (RD)?
A: Registered Dietitians (RD's) are health professionals specializing in food and nutrition. In order to earn the nationally-recognized credential of RD, a candidate must complete a Bachelors Degree in Food and Nutrition and/or Masters Degree in Nutrition or American Dietetic internship. RD status also requires successfully passing the National Registration Exam and accumulating a sufficient number of on-going Continuing Education credits annually. A RD is sometimes referred to as a nutritionist, however, a nutritionist who has not achieved RD status may not advertise herself or practice as a Registered Dietitian. RD's and LD's are the only health professionals permitted to counsel patients on medically-necessary dietary intervention.
Q: Will my health insurance cover my visit?
A: Health insurance can sometimes cover medical nutrition therapy for diagnoses that are deemed "Medically Necessary." These often include: Diabetes, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Sleep Apnea, Food Allergies, Unexplained Weight Loss/Gain, Hyperlipidemia (High Cholesterol), Gastrointestinal Problems, Eating Disorders, Kidney Disease, Etc. However, all insurance is different. We do not bill for insurance but will provide you with a bill to give to your insurance so you can get your reimbursement when you submit the paperwork. Your payment will be taken at the time of the consultation. If you have a flexible spending account nutrition services can be used by this account as well.
Q: What are your hours?
A: There are appointments available in the Annadale office Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. In the DC office the appointments available are Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Friday. The hours vary on the day but there are mornings, afternoons, and early evening hours available.
Q: Do you see children?
A: Yes, I see people of all ages. You may want to schedule a session for the whole family together to get everyone on the same track together.
Q: Can I bring my spouse?
A: Sure it is helpful to have all the support you can get. If your spouse is going to get a nutrition plan as well we have a couples rates for $225 for the initial and follow-ups are $60.
Q: What will happen to me at my visit?
A: During the first session we will ask you about your goals, current eating behaviors, food likes and dislikes, meal times, snacks, portion sizes, and exercise. We will discuss your weight history, medical concerns, supplements and medications. After I get the information necessary we will follow-up to go over your personalized nutrition plan based around your goals and the information about your diet from the initial session.
Q: How long are the visits?
A: The typical initial consultation lasts approximately 45 minutes to an hour and follow-up visits usually last 30 minutes.
Q: How many times will I have to come?
A: The nutrition therapy is a very individualized approach depending upon your current diet, your goals and the number and severity of the health issues that you face. The follow-ups can be as frequent as weekly or bi-weekly or even monthly depending upon your needs. This approach provides an opportunity to work with you during various eating situations throughout all the seasons of the year (holidays, vacations, winter, off season). The accountability and motivation you will receive will help you stay on track and reach your goals. Some clients need more intensive follow-up than others -- it varies from client to client. For instance, if you're a disciplined, self-starter you will require less supervision. If you need more structure and accountability, we are here to help you as well.
Q: How early do I need to come to my first appointment?
A: You should plan on arriving at least five to ten minutes before your scheduled appointment time. This will give you enough time to fill out the initial paperwork.
Q: What should I bring to my first appointment?
A: You will need to bring your three day food journal tracking what you ate for two weekdays and one weekend. You may also bring but it is not required any recent medical lab or blood work results. Also, it is helpful to have a list of medications or supplements that you are currently taking. If you are training for an endurance event please bring your training schedule.